Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What do you REALLY want most?

Is there something that you really, really, REALLY want . . . but you're not allowing yourself to believe you can have it? What if it WAS possible for you - this thing that seems so huge, so far out of your reach, and so utterly ludicrous that you don't dare speak about it out loud? Take a few minutes just pondering the questions, "What if it's not so crazy after all? What if it really is possible?" Just considering the possibilities can open doors like you wouldn't believe. :-)

1 comment:

  1. There's lots of things I really, really REALLY want, and, no, at this point, I don't believe I can have it. It's not really a matter of "letting myself" believe I can have it. I'd be FORCING myself to believe in the impossible instead. At times like this, even the basic things that most people take for granted (Home, Family, A feeling of freedom, and security, good health)....seem like fantasies like winning the lottery! To believe in the big lie, you've got to start with the little ones, right?

    Shall I consider the possibilities??

    "What if it's not so crazy after all? What if it really IS possible?"

    ....To be a financially successful artist.
    ... To write and publish my "Forgotten Gardens" book.

    All of that seems totally out of this world, because right now, all that matters to me is getting OUT of this nightmarish situation in the so-called home and family who've caused more emotional suffering than they will ever realize, and get BACK into a HOME of my OWN.
